Saturday, September 3, 2011

Spa Tip #9

Happy Labor Day weekend, everyone! I've been back to school for three weeks now, and I'm very happy about the 3-day weekend. To celebrate, you should definitely treat yourself to a relaxing spa treatment.

Tip #9 is about manicures. If you read my blog, you may have realized that I'm not a huge fan of manicures. This is for 3 reasons:

1. I love the look of trimmed cuticles, but it's not good for your nails, can be unsafe (breeding ground for infection), and when cuticles start to grow back, they look all ragedy.

2. No matter how long I sit under the nail dryer, I always manage to smudge them.

3. Finger nails chip a lot faster than toe nails because of how much you use your hands, and I hate the look of chipped polish.

For the above reasons, I just tend to avoid manicures. However, sometimes you do want your finger nails to look extra special. In that case, you can do some things to avoid the above problems.

1. Have the manicurist push down your cuticles instead of cutting them.

2. Pay and get you car keys out before your nails are polished so you don't have to rummage around in your purse. Also, there are quick dry top coats you can use which will help. If the salon doesn't have one, you can bring one yourself.

3. Choose a light or close to skin tone polish so chips are not as noticeable. You can put a protective top coat over your nails every day or every other day when you get home to make it last longer. Also, some salons offer a gel treatment, which is supposed to last longer. I have not tried this yet.

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